23.08.2018 at 09:53 am

Nostalgic Non-Memories

Pining over something that never happened, thanks to musical stimuli.

... シティポップラジオへようこそ!ストリーミングシティポップクラシック24/7! 80年代のシティポップのベストレコードを30時間以上聞いて、日本の街を無限にドライブしてください。あなた自身のものではない記憶の霧を経て時間を遡り、歴史の特定の場所で凍ったメロディー。

- City Pop シティポップ RADIO

The (now-defunct) channel says:

Streaming City Pop classics 24/7! Come with us on an endless drive through the streets of Japan while listening to over 30 hours worth of the best City Pop records from the 80s. Travel back in time through the haze of memories that aren't your own, and melodies frozen in a particular place in history.

There's a related word that hits this feeling well - 'anemoia':

Nostalgia for a time you never experienced

Looking at old photos, it's hard not to feel a kind of wanderlust. A pang of nostalgia, for an era you never lived through. Longing to step through the frame into a world of black and white, if only to sit on the side of the road and watch the locals passing by.

Another genre of music often evokes these feelings too: synthwave.

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Words: 155 words approx.
Time to read: 0.62 mins (at 250 wpm)
, , , , , , , , ,

Potentially related: Reflections - 43 Things I Learned or Did In 2019

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